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Dr Olga Kapellou | Greek Paediatrician - Neonatologist | £250 First Appointment (Was £280) + Free 10-Minute Follow-Up Call!

Get a first appointment with Dr. Olga Kapellou, a renowned Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist, for just £250 (originally £280). Plus, receive a complimentary 10-minute follow-up call as part of this limited-time offer. Don't miss this chance to access top-notch paediatric care at a reduced rate! Book now to secure your appointment.


Original price was: £280.00.Current price is: £250.00. Including VAT

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Product Description

Dr OLGA KAPELLOU MD, FRCPCH, DCH | Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist | Harley St & Great Portland St, London

Dr Olga Kapellou is a Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist. She specialized in a number of major London teaching hospitals including Great Ormond Street, Hammersmith, St Mary’s Paddington, Queen Charlotte’s, Chelsea & Westminster and University College London.

She holds a Doctor of Medicine postgraduate degree from Imperial College. Her publications on effects of prematurity on brain growth and development have been cited extensively. She is an expert on preterm and term neonatal brain injury and follow-up of babies after complicated pregnancies and deliveries.

She uses Griffiths Neurodevelopmental Scales to track infant development in outpatients’ clinics. She is a Neonatal Life Support instructor and a Unicef trained breast-feeding specialist.
Her NHS base is the Homerton Hospital. She was appointed as an NHS Consultant at the Homerton Hospital in 2009.

Dr. Kapellou does General Paediatric and baby follow up clinics at The Portland Hospital paediatric outpatients, The Harley Street Clinic and the Hospital of St. John & St. Elizabeth.

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